We start the year with some great news about the Western Monarch! From a historic low of 2,000 butterflies counted in 2020 to a whopping 300,000 counted (initially) for 2022 — the return of habitat to support the Western Monarch is having a marvelous impact!
In 2021 we cultivated several hundred milkweed seeds in our greenhouse and gave them to Capay Valley neighbors. Linda Pillard had tremendous success with Monarch caterpillars at her farm! So what do we do for 2023? We now have over 1,000 milkweed plants snuggled in the greenhouse! We’ll be planting again into our hedgerow and giving even more to our neighbors and Farm visitors in the Spring months.
When you come to visit the Farm, please take some time to visit our hedgerow. We’ve placed identifying stakes on approximately 30% of the plants and encourage you to use your botany skills to identify the other plants. Milkweed plants will be available for you to take home to your garden.
If you know of groups that would have an interest in our native plants and pollinator-friendly hedgerow, please let them know we offer private tours.