"DIY" Essential Oil and Hydrosol Production


$75.00 per person



About this experience

During this two-hour event, we will:

  • Select and harvest buds
  • Prepare and tend the still
  • Separate the fresh essential oil from the hydrosol
  • Bottle the sweet rewards!  You will take home a 10 mL bottle of essential oil, a 8 oz. bottle of hydrosol, and a 4 oz. bottle of Lavender Mist
  • Enjoy a tasty lavender treat before saying farewell

Class is limited to 16 participants -- 4 people to a still.  Everyone will definitely have a "hands-on" experience.


Your Host

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From early childhood, Sherri dreamed of living in the country. After 30 years of San Francisco city life, she followed her dream to a small farm property in Northern California's Capay Valley. She is currently President of the United States Lavender Growers Association.